Saturday, February 11, 2017

Mother -Daughter Love

I think often of my mother, the relationship I had with her as I was growing up and our relationship once I became a mother. As a child and teenager I was always daddy's girl. But once I became a mom, my relationship became stronger and we became closer. As my mother grew older, my love deepened for her and the bond we shred was one full love and respect. My mom enjoyed telling me stories of her life and things she experienced as a girl with a disability. My mom had polio at a young age, which left her with a crippling defect. There were things she could not do and limitations she faced everyday.
But one thing she accomplished was raising six children. I was the baby of six and very spoiled. I was an awkward, clumsy, skinny girl with insecurities I kept hidden. My mother would not allow me to feel sorry for myself or self doubt who I was. She knew my strength was the love and compassion I felt for rothers, others that struggled or did not fit it with anyone. My mom told me many times I was a girl with a heart bigger than myself and would grow up to help others and Ben special.  I don't consider myself special, but I do have love and compassion for others.  Because of my mother I am a strong, opinated woman that will will advocate forself and others.  My mother is no longer with us and I miss her everyday. I have a sister that I'm close to and she also is a strong, opinated woman.
I have a daughter which is a beautiful, wonderful mother that also is strong and opinated. I have a daughter in law that is also beauful, strong, opinated and a wonderful mother.  I have a new daughter in law that I'm learning more about every day. My blessings continue with 5 granddaughters that are beautiful, strong and proud to say opinated. I truly have and continue to be blessed. A family full of strong women that are confident I who they are.  As all of you, you too should be strong and proud of who you are. Teach your daughters to be strong and proud, and yes a little opinated.

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